Vitalik Milady #9286


Vitalik Buterin, after buying the NFT Milady #9286. He changed his profile picture of X.
Now, Milady #9286 lives on the blockchain as a token, embodying the same energy that made Miladys iconic in the first place.

Welcome to Vitalik Milady #9286. It's Vitalik Buterin as Milady.

CA: 0xA1D5F09AeC852a14a9DdE9aBb8ED62357378e99a
Ticker: MILADY


Create a Wallet

Get MetaMask or your preferred crypto wallet for free from the App Store or Google Play. If you're on desktop, install the MetaMask Chrome extension by visiting

Get Some ETH

Make sure you have ETH in your wallet to swap for $MILADY. If you don’t have ETH, you can purchase it directly on
MetaMask, transfer it from another wallet, or buy it on an exchange and send it to your wallet.

Go to Uniswap

Open Uniswap by visiting in Google Chrome or the browser within your MetaMask app. Connect your wallet, paste the $MILADY token address into Uniswap, select $MILADY, and confirm the swap. When MetaMask requests a wallet signature, simply sign to proceed.


The total supply of $MILADY is 100 million tokens. The contract has been renounced, ensuring a fully decentralized and community-driven project. Additionally, liquidity has been burnt, guaranteeing a secure and transparent ecosystem with no risk of manipulation. 🚀💖


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